It's time to turn up the volume and submit recklessly ridiculous thoughts that I'm pushing and pulling in my head right now. I'm gonna spill them like jars of spoiled milk that will make you gag and cry.
Of course, for the purpose of preserving the tacit agreement I entered when launching this blog, which is to leave you quibbling in jocular inquiry. And it can only be quelled by fostering a compromising fashion sense that embraces the dampened crotch look.
Yes, making you urinate on yourself while orbiting cosmic, out-of-this-world thought that's still down-to-earth is a short-sighted goal of mine. I also aim to bounce thoughts and ideas from my head, and hazardously ricochet them off your noggin like explosive literary devices tend to do.
Thus I bring you the following streaks of dim brilliance that hail from the bastion of low-brow intellect. That loosely translates to mean the things you are about to read will easily satisfy all drunken conversation requirements and will go down easy and pleasantly, like a Fiber One flush. BOOYA Bee-yatch!
I will start by posing the simple question: Have you seen my beeper?

I seem to have misplaced it and I can't find it anywhere. I've retraced my steps, jogged through my memory and I'm blanked by its disappearance. I even took a day trip to the '90s and it bothered me that I was the only one without one. I checked my belt loop, the visor on my car and even called the neighborhood drug dealer to see if he had snatched it from me. That beeper is responsible for 99% of the attention I receive from girls because it beckons them to partake in my decadent lifestyle of luxury. All they wanted to ever do was watch me page people, and now it's gone.
Being beeper-less prompted me to downgrade my taste and style for the finer things in life. Consider it a learning lesson for me. I know it's crazy, going a day without a beeper, but so is eating only vegetables, grains and fruits all day.

*These disorganized thoughts are appearing in a mild stream of conscious-like manner, with very little rhyme or reason ... but are certain to combat the mundane backlash that you likely become acquainted with when not perusing through a blog penned by yours truly.*
Speaking of awesome, peep this video by the Octopus Project. It's chaotic, colorful and random.
As an avid culture consumer, who's a generally vague and mysteriously intriguing collector of all things eclectic, I have virtually no allegiance to one particular thing. I tend to avoid things that suck, flock to live music shows, and engage in narrative sprawl in the form of writing that is highly recommended for anyone struggling with illiteracy ... but I have a newfangled interest in the laughably schematic inspirational tract through something called 'planning ahead.'
Shit, I can't even fool myself into thinking that's faithful in fact, since it's more fiction than Super Mario stopping by your crib to shower you with growing shrooms and share with you all the secrets to warping. But I was told if I want to make a habit of something, to do it repeatedly for 21 days. WE SHALL SEE.
What? You just wanna dance you say?

Here's White Denim's latest which was released in the UK, I believe. It's a polaroid shaker. Makes you just wanna do the crazy white boy/no rhythm dance. Word!
White Denim -- "Shake Shake Shake" MP3
Here's a nice little track from Grizzly Bear. Listen carefully, because the keyboards are actually a tune from Snoop Dogg. Either way, the song stabs you with infectious hooks and vocals.
Grizzly Bear -- "Two Weeks" MP3
So, getting back to some thoughts ... I'm generally a fan of flying by the seat of my pants, so it made my day yesterday when I learned that I am no longer homeless. Yes, I was couch surfing for two days. Thank God, because I was really close to moving to a house in the drug-infested, quasi-gentrified hipster oasis area in East Austin. Although, who could decline an offer that promises you'll live like a pimp with a renovated John in the bathroom?
Here are some unfortunate 'That's What She Said' precursors in casual sports that I'm waiting to use:
Tennis: "There's absolutely no way that's in."
Foosball: "Spinning the little man is illegal."
Basketball: "Give it to me down low."
Football: "He really hit it hard and worked the clock like a champ."
Sudoku: "Heck yea! I understand how it works!"
Because who hasn't talked to their stove?
I absolutely hate Kashi's cereal called "Good Friends" ... It tastes like a sour relationship, where roughage is abundant. I propose a swift and orderly name change to from Good Friends to Strictly Platonic O's.
I'm ill from the disdain that's collecting in a pool of piss from the lack of mustache growth on my upper lip. It is really annoying. Why are you so wack and fruitless o-harbinger of fuzzy shame? Among my peeves are big, conceited bodies of water, especially Lake Superior, snooty people, the blinking numbers on alarm clocks, passive aggressive wind when I'm pissing into it, and my lack thereof 'stache.
So yes, it's safe to say I have deftly jotted dope subject matter at a stroke. You're welcome to escape your workday any time aboard the tenacious pterodactyl that is my dope ass blog.
Thanks for comin' out! And please, fellas, put a stop to the effeminate way you stick your pinkie out when downing a Schlitz.
I will enter blogs more consistently, I promise.
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